Author: Author
Have you stumbled upon a blog article or video that you shared with your friends through social media?
Then you’re living testament of how effective content marketing can be. In fact, it’s expected to increase in demand in 2016 and beyond. Why is that? You’ve seen it yourself: people nowadays enjoy learning and sharing information. Whether it’s a blog, video, news, or app (as long as it’s relevant to a particular group), that content has the potential to enhance brand awareness, attract leads, and even help customers complete the buying process.
If your business has not invested much on content marketing – or you feel that your strategies aren’t working – then it’s time to fill in the gaps.
You’ve heard it time and again: you can’t sell if you don’t know WHO you’re selling to. Unfortunately, most companies still make this mistake.
Marketing for businesses is highly different than marketing to end users. This is because they have different motivations. For example: an organization trying to sell software to a business that offers personal computers would need a special pitch to bait their client. It could be in the form of a proposal or a webinar. Meanwhile, the computer company should also have a customized marketing approach when selling their PC’s to end users (like us).