Every day, your target buyers are searching online for articles, videos, and guides to help them solve important problems for their business.
The question is … are they finding the answers they need on your website or on your competitors’ websites?
Content marketing is the art (and science) of creating helpful resources that draw potential buyers to your brand. When done properly, it’s an incredibly effective way to generate sales-ready leads and give your brand a memorable personality.
I’m thrilled to announce that I now offer content marketing services to my clients, in partnership with content marketing expert Ben Goldstein!
Ben and I are big advocates of content marketing, because it solves two of the most common problems that my clients come to me with:
“It costs us a fortune to attract customers through paid ads, but we’re terrified of what will happen if we turn them off.” Well, what if you didn’t have to pay for all your traffic? Content marketing reduces your acquisition costs by boosting the amount of organic visitors that come to your site.
“We’re in a really crowded industry, and I feel like we’re getting lost out there.” When presented with a number of similar options, buyers tend to go with the brands that are visible and trustworthy. High-quality content makes your brand discoverable in more places and associates your company with expertise.
Our 4-Step Process to Create a Content Program Tailor-Made for Your Company’s Goals & KPIs
In an initial hour-long call, you’ll help us understand your ideal-fit buyers and what you’re looking to achieve out of a content marketing program. Do you want more people filling out the “contact sales” form on your website? Do you want to increase lead volume from a certain customer segment? Do you want to arm your sales team with content assets that boost their close rate? Having clear targets to aim for from the beginning will make your content investment pay off much faster.
Content Audit. We analyze your traffic data and current content offerings—your blog articles, YouTube videos, social media posts, gated content, etc.—to learn what’s already working, what can be improved, and what should be removed entirely. Other things we’ll be looking out for here …
Is your content created for your buyers in a voice they can relate to, and is that brand voice consistent across all your content channels?
Is your content being published in the places that your buyers go to get answers online?
Do your content pages offer visitors a clear path to converting into a sales lead?
What internal resources do you have that can support a content marketing program? (e.g., internal subject matter experts, visual designers, a CEO that isn’t afraid to post on LinkedIn)
Initial Proposal. After getting a crash course in your business, we’ll prepare a brief summary of where we think the biggest opportunities lie, including the topics and messages to create new content around, improvements to make for existing content, and which content formats to focus on.
Pro tip: Content marketing is so much more than just getting things to rank on Google. From sales enablement assets and self-serve knowledge base articles to educational email sequences and social media thought-leadership, content is the oil that makes your entire marketing machine run more smoothly—and we can help with all of it.
Roadmap & Deliverables. Once we agree on the broad strokes, our team will formalize a cohesive content story and begin executing it to generate quality leads. We’ll share a content calendar that will keep you informed on which content pieces will be launched and when, and we’ll host a check-in call every two weeks to provide status updates and answer any questions on content in progress. After 90 days, we’ll take a big-picture look at initial results and adjust future efforts as needed.
Let’s Talk About Your Content!
Want to learn more about how our customized content marketing services can help your business drive more qualified leads and become the most trusted name in your space? Let’s start with a 15-minute conversation and see if we’re a fit for each other. We’ll even give you one free content recommendation, on the house : )